Access a team of healthcare providers who, ideally, have experience with helping you address your treatment-related health complications and reduce your risk of cancer recurrence or cancer spread.

Physical changes after cancer treatment vary as widely as emotional ones. Depending on the kind of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation (and recovery from all or one or more), a person may have a few post-treatment effects or an entire mind and body full of them!

Talk with your oncology healthcare provider’s nursing staff about managing the side-effects of your particular treatment, such as fatigue, sleeplessness, depression, sexuality issues, menopausal symptoms, lymphedema, bone loss, thinking problems, and weight gain and more. She or he will help you from feeling “lost” in this rudder-less gap between being cared for by your oncologist and being prepared for, and knowing how to cope with, life in this “transition” to Survivorship at each stage – from just finishing treatment to five or more years later.